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11.9. 87 Lievegoed’s lecture at our Association meeting in Frankfurt. He tried to speak English. Notes by Albrecht Hemming (with a limited English at that time)

„What shall we do after having laid the foundation stone? Everything should be changed.“ (R. Steiner) What is it, this change? I (Bernard Lievegoed) had many meetings with Dr. Ita Wegman. She had the question for the Christmas Foundation Meeting. Up to 1914 Occult ScienceEsoteric SchoolFree Masons (a smaller group of people, roots from the Temple, drama of Hiram and Salomon). An old lady asked - Mystery plays: The subterrainean temple? That was there: Unger, Marie von Sivers, Steiner (in the East). 1914 stop because of the war. 1919 a new begin? No! Everything with old mysteries has finished now. Then he (Dr. Steiner) waited for the question. 1923 Penmeanawr. Dr. Ita Wegman asked: „Why are the lectures about medicine so dry?“ New mysteries to be founded. He waited for this question. Parsifal question. Next winter Steiner spoke about mysteries. For the next 4000 years. Seed, will specialise.

The older members, who were up to 1914 in a top position were disappointed that it was now no longer so. This is the root of the difficulties in the Anthr. Society National Societies - General Secretaries. R.St. wanted concrete people. In Germany not so possible - four centres: München, Stuttgart, Nürnberg, Hamburg.

When we understand the secret between lung and heart then we have the new mysteries. Lung - Mercury, Heart - Sun. Mercury - Raphael: Breathing. Sun - Michael: Clear thinking. When Michael works from above, Raphael works from below. All healing is breathing. Mysteries of breathing. When I breathe out - I go into the world - the world goes into me. When Raphael is above, in thinking-healing - Michael works in the will, healing knowledge (Heilerkenntnis).

All our work (as consultants) stands between Raphael and Michael. Michael gives the objectives, enthousiasm. Michael is courage to know (Erkenntnismut), Raphael is courage to heal (Heilermut). On that the new mysteries are based. Also a new way of inner development. All old ways: Moon way.

After the foundation of the new mysteries - a group of people - Saturn way. Begins in the periphery. To work out of differentiation. Finding objectives. Not to go alone. Direct intuition. When you try to go alone - disturbed by own unconsciousness. Group of responsibility (Verantwortungsgemeinschaft). We, together will be responsibele for that order. We can do it - I am interested about what is going on in the other one. Try to find what comes out of the other one. Protected by the group. Real group of responsibility. „I hope you will form such a group“ (BL said to us who were there). ‘I am glad if somebody else brings something’. Do the right thing in the right moment. Afterwards we look back: ‘It was good’. Intuition comes first - then inspiration - then imagination. We have to take risk. Group of responsibility can protect it. Only one book by Steiner with somebody else - with Ita Wegman. R.St. here not as a teacher but as an equal. ‘You can do this better than me’.

My happiness came out of a group, moments in a group. Then again atomised. Togetherness has to be in creation, otherwise based on feelings. Your group (the Association) based on individuals - right thing - responsibility. In the week it was there, one or two times - that was it.

Saturnway (Saturnweg) only possible in the consciousness soul of the second part. First part of consciousness soul develops consciousness of ego. Very difficult to do social work. Zero point of absolute consciousness.

After all a world of warmth as a beginning of spirit self development. Development of clover leaf organization. Can’t be organized. People have to change. Next decade: More and more on the individual. Central thing of integration - people loose this egoism. Interest in the people. Concerned with the development of the other one. We stand at the beginning of a new era. Mysteries of the spirit self development. Michael - Raphael work through the Earth - our work in social healing. Raphael is intimate. Michael is interested in the future, in the consequences - not ‘have they done this’. Raphael asks: ‘Is it healing?’ We meet destructive forces when we try to stand in the new mysteries. Just seed forces now. Our generation - happy to plant new seeds.

Working with ‘surplus forces’ (Überschußkräfte), e.g. 120% to prepare a lecture, 50% use. Widar worked with surplus forces. Mechanical world: Efficiency - nothing more than necessary. Philosophy of laziness. Philosophy of mechanical constructions. Surplus forces for the human world. Human world is efficient when it is inefficient. Michael wants to fight Ahriman with the surplus forces of man. Surplus comes through enthousiasm. Efficiency to a man - ahrimanic, diabolic. You handle him as a machine. For the machine it is right. Surplus forces - working together as people. A small part used - the rest used in the spiritual world by Michael. Such a group will be able to stand in the new mysteries. Find their own way to stand in them.

Medical doctors: ‘What do I have to do for my own development’ - Wegman out of the intuition of the moment. Out of the depth of the will it comes. One has to study - then to forget. Universe of knowledge.

Lievegoed’s father: „As long as I am interested in the people I can’t fire them“. Can we stand disappointments?

lecture_1987.txt · Last modified: 2018/10/03 06:09 (external edit)